David, Business Analyst and recent adopter talks about some of his preconceptions regarding adoption in the video below. He also touches on some of the myths and misconceptions that people […]
The Stay Calm Project is led by doctoral research co coordinator Justin Chung under the supervision of Dr Kate Woodcock, Centre for Applied Psychology, University of Birmingham. Who? Parents or […]
Since the inception of the Western Bay Adoption Service in 2015 they have helped to place almost 500 children into their forever families. 267 adopters have also been approved during […]
Phew. That went quick, or maybe it was long – I’m not quite sure. Anyway National Adoption week took place last week – all the regional adoption services played their […]
I am very pleased to provide you with a link to the above report which is posted on the National Adoption Service website. https://www.adoptcymru.com/home.php?page_id=40&setLanguage=1 The report provides a formal […]