“We’ve been with Western Bay from the start.
“We now live in Caerphilly but WBAS used to be our local authority service and we had such a good experience first time round that we continued with the service for our second girl.

“We were actually originally matched with a boy which didn’t come through before eventually being matched with Nyla and then Bailey.

“The girls are wonderful and I don’t know where I would be now without them, but deep-down I’ve also always a son” says Dave as he explains the beginning of his adoption story.

“You learn lessons from the process with each child that you can then apply to next. The two girls aren’t related, but we did find it easier going through the process quicker the second time around.

“All the workshops and sessions that you’ve done in Therapeutic Parenting, the insights from the Introduction to Adoption Training – it’s all invaluable and has put us in good stead.”

Dave has some wonderful Father’s Day memories with the girls over the last couple of years but this weekend has the potential to be even more special.

“We actually had a meeting with the WBAS Family Finders this week and we’ve been matched with Nyla’s baby brother! I didn’t hesitate when the potential option was raised!

“They’ve got the same mother and father so the history is similar with lots of drugs and alcohol involved. He will have to be tested for blood borne viruses. We went through the same thing with Bailey actually, holding her as a baby as she was being tested was shall we say, interesting.”

In other developments Dave and his wife have also agreed to meet face-to-face with Nyla’s and little Nico’s birth mum.

“This was something that was suggested in the past but we weren’t 100% ready to do it so have delayed. Now that are matched with Nico too we feel it’s important to be able to say to them both that we’ve met your birth mum.”

New Horizons

As the couple adopt for a third time Dave talks about important reaching out for help is and the value of their support network and community.

“We’re still very friendly with Bailey’s foster carer and she’s actually offered to look after the two children whilst we’re doing introductions with Nico.

“Whilst we are now pretty experienced there is still a lot to now consider with the family dynamics going forward. There could be a little bit of jealousy with Nyla and Bailey that there’s a new baby in the house who will take a lot of their attention.

“Bailey has begun Flying Start though which will also help.

“As Nico grows up we then might be drawing on support in areas such as Play Therapy to help him to come to terms with his start in life.

“We are ready for what is on the horizon though, this is the final piece in the family puzzle for me, and I couldn’t be more excited!”

“Tough times don’t last, but tough people do” Mental Health Awareness Week Blog